扶余市盛宝玻璃制品有限公司(Fuyu City Shengbao Class Products Co,.Ltd.)



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地址:扶余市扶余工业集中区哈尔滨街南侧(Harbin street,FUyun industrial concetrated area,Jilin Province)

三种杯子喝水或致癌→玻璃杯最安全(Drinking or causing cancer in three cups. →Glass is safest)


  夏季人体需水量大,我们一般会以喝水来补充体内水分的流失,上班一族经常会使用塑料杯喝水,专家提示,在养生学上看来,除了瓷杯,其他杯子都不太健康。Summer human body water requirement is large we usually drink water to supplement body moisture loss work group often use plastic cup drinking water expert tips in health science looks like except cups of cups are not healthy.
  三种杯子喝水或致癌 Drinking or causing cancer in three cups
  1、一次性纸杯或暗藏潜在致癌物 disposable paper cups or hidden potential carcinogens
  一次性纸杯只是看起来卫生、方便,其实产品合格率无法判断,是否干净、卫生,用肉眼也无法辨识。从环保的角度来讲,还是应该尽可能少用一次性纸杯。有的纸杯生产厂家为使杯子看上去更白,加入大量荧光增白剂。而就是这种荧光物质可使细胞产生变异,一旦进入人体就会成为潜在的致癌因素;其次,那些不合格的纸杯一般杯身都很软,倒入水后容易变形,有的纸杯则密封性差,杯底容易渗水,这都很容易让热水烫伤手;更有甚者,当你用手轻轻触摸纸杯内侧,能感觉到上面沾着细细的粉末,手指的触摸处也会变成白色,这是典型的劣质纸杯。Disposable paper cups just look sanitary convenient actually product qualification rate cannot judge whether clean sanitary use naked eye can not identify. From environmentally friendly perspective, disposable paper cups should be used as little as possible. Some cup manufacturers add lots of fluorescent whitening agents to make cups look whiter. But this fluorescent substance can make cells mutate once entering human body will become potential carcinogenic factor; secondly unqualified cup body is soft pour water easily deformation some cups seal bad; Bottom cup bottom easy seepage, this is easy to let hot water scald hands; worse when you gently touch paper cup inside, feel top layer of thin powder, finger touch will become white, this is typical inferior cup.
  2、金属材质水杯喝咖啡会溶出Metal glass cups drink coffee dissolve
  金属材质的杯子,如不锈钢等,价格较陶瓷杯子要贵。搪瓷杯构成中含有的金属元素通常状况下比较稳定,但在酸性环境下,有可能溶出,用于喝咖啡、橙汁等酸性饮料并不安全。Metal glass, such as stainless steel, prices are more expensive than ceramic cups. Metal elements contained in enamel cups usually remain stable but may dissolve in acidic environments which are not safe for drinking coffee orange juice etc.
  3、塑料水杯最易藏污纳垢Plastic cups are easiest to eat
  塑料杯也应该是不受欢迎的一种。因为塑料中常添加有增塑剂,其中含有一些有毒的化学物质,用塑料杯装热水或开水的时候,有毒的化学物质就很容易稀释到水中,并且塑料的内部微观构造有很多的孔隙,其中隐藏着污物,清洗不净就会容易孳生细菌。所以,在选购塑料杯时,一定要选择符合国家标准的食用级塑料所制的水杯。Plastic cups should also be undesirable ones. Because plastics often contain plasticizers containing toxic chemicals, when hot water or boiling water is packed in plastic cups, toxic chemicals are easily diluted into water, and plastic inner microstructure has many pores, Hidden dirt hides dirt, cleaning without net will easily breed bacteria. Therefore, when buying plastic cups, must choose the cup which conforms to national standard edible grade plastic.
  最安全的喝水杯Safest drink cup
  在所有材质的杯子里,玻璃杯可是最健康的。玻璃杯在烧制的过程中不含有机的化学物质,当人们用玻璃杯喝水或其他饮品的时候,不必担心化学物质会被喝进肚里去,而且玻璃表面光滑,容易清洗,细菌和污垢不容易在杯壁孳生,所以人们用玻璃杯喝水是最健康、最安全的。Glasses are healthiest in all cups of glass. Glass does not contain organic chemicals during firing; when people drink glasses or drink other drinks, dont worry about chemicals being drunk into your stomach, and glass surfaces are smooth and easy to clean. Bacteria and dirt are not easy to breed on glass walls so drinking glasses is healthiest and safest.
  但玻璃杯虽然不含化学物质,且易于清洗,但因为玻璃材质导热性强,容易令使用者不慎烫到自己,如果水温过高,还可能导致杯子爆裂,需尽量避免盛装热水。Although glass contains no chemical substance easy cleaning but because glass material thermal conductivity strong easy user accidentally scald oneself if water temperature too high also may cause cup burst want avoid hot water as far as possible.
  2、无彩釉涂染的陶瓷杯Glazed ceramic cup without glazed paint
  杯子大家每天都要用,可你是否每天都清洗呢?清洗时的重点在哪里,用什么清洁剂最好?这些看似简单的问题却和健康密切相关。Drinking water preferred without glaze painted ceramic cups especially inner walls are colorless.Not only material safety, high temperature resistance, relatively good insulation effect, drinking hot water or tea is a good choice.Therefore, for health, drinking water must choose water cups, careful glasses cause disease harm.Extension: eight percent people dont wash cups properly. Its important to wash cups.Everyone uses cups every day, but do you wash them every day?Where does cleaning focus place, use what detergent best?These seemingly simple questions are closely related to health.
  杯子每次用完如能即刻清洗最好,若觉得太麻烦,至少应每天清洗一次,可以在晚上临睡前洗干净,然后晾干。清洗杯子时,不仅要清洗杯口,杯底和杯壁也不应忽略,尤其是杯底,平时不常清洗,可能会沉淀很多细菌及杂垢。教授特别提醒女性朋友,口红不但含有化学成分,而且极易吸附空气中的有害物质和病原体,喝水时会将有害物质带入体内,因此杯口残留的口红一定要清洗干净。清洗杯子时用水简单冲洗是不够的,最好用刷子刷。另外,由于洗洁精的重要成分是化学合成剂,使用应慎重,要注意用清水冲洗干净。若要清洗沾有大量油腻、污垢或茶垢的杯子,可以在刷子上挤上牙膏,在杯子内来回擦刷。由于牙膏中既有去污剂,又有极细的摩擦剂,很容易将残留物质擦去而又不损伤杯体。Wash cups every time if immediately wash best if feel too troublesome at least once daily wash once wash before sleep at night then dry. Cleaning cups should not only clean cup bottom cup wall should not neglect especially cup bottom usually not often cleaning may precipitate many bacteria and miscellaneous scale. Professor especially reminds female friends lipstick not only contains chemical ingredients but also easily adsorb harmful substances and pathogens in air. Drink water will bring harmful substances into the body so lipstick must clean. Washing cups is not enough to wash water easily and brush with brush. Besides, because detergent is essential ingredient is chemical synthesis agent, use should be careful, pay attention to rinse clean with clean water. Wash cups with lots of greasy dirt or tea stains if you want to wash them over your brush and brush them back and forth inside your cup. Because toothpaste contains detergents and fine friction agents it is easy to wipe away residual substances without damaging the cup body.

版权所有:扶余市盛宝玻璃制品有限公司(Fuyu City Shengbao Class Products Co,.Ltd.) 电话:0438-6936866

地址:扶余市扶余工业集中区哈尔滨街南侧(Harbin street,FUyun industrial concetrated area,Jilin Province) ICP备案编号:吉ICP备19003365号-1 技术支持:盘古网络【盘古建站】

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